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May 14, 2004

Hard Days Night

Jules has now stopped drinking, having had a painful experience last night choking and coughing when things went the wrong way. The whole effort of drinking is just too much now, and given her lower and lower energy the doctor recommended that she stops trying before she has a major coughing fit and hurts herself.

So, it's getting closer and closer.

Thanks to everyone who's been emailing, and popping in. All I'll say is make today the day, and don't leave it to tomorrow......

Posted by alan at May 14, 2004 8:35 AM

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Dear Alan, Janet & Family

My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Send my love to Julie xxx

Posted by: Fiona (friend from school) at May 14, 2004 10:00 AM

Sorry to hear about Jules, she was a very lovely person, her memory will live on. I remember her kindness when Tom's mum was ill, how she gave up her side room for her. That was back in January before she went to the hospice. Janet our thoughts are with you and your family, she was a credit to you all, her bravery and courage could not have been more.
With fondest memories

Joy Tom Stuart and Kerry Gasston

Posted by: Joy & Tom at May 25, 2004 5:49 PM

| Jules' Weblog |
| Content © Copyright 2003-2005 by Julie-Anne Page & Alan Bell |
| Idea © Copyright 2003-2005 by Jonathan J Sanderson |
| Mobile Photophone equipment provided free by Orange
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It is just a source of information on Julie-Anne Page and her progress through it all as recorded by her fiancée Alan Bell.
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