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November 14, 2003

like autumn leaves they came

I can spend days up here, by myself, just me and the pygmy pony [sorry Frank] just me and the oil paint, and the charcoal, and the paper, and the big panels, obviously; oh, and the books. And the music of course, and the computer and the big arm chair and - anyway days with no one to talk to.

But not today. Today the second unstuck model came round and we set to work on the unstuck pictures. Then a French photographer, Patrick Fabre, came to take some photographs of me drawing the unstuck model, for a documentary [in black and white] that he's doing on artists; and another photographer, Tim, came to take some pictures of the unstuck model for her portfolio. Dionne, who works here on her own amazing textiles, came in. A girl called round to see if she could model for me; followed by two students from the University who were soaking wet from the rain and needed a nice cup of tea and a sit down, while John Palmer, Artistic Director of Full Body and the Voice, came along with Jean-Francois, Artistic Director of Theatre du Plantin from Belgium, to see some pictures [stuck and unstuck].

The kettle's worn out, but - Hey! I'm international. It's good having a busy studio, keep calling in guys.

Posted by john at November 14, 2003 06:22 PM

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