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June 09, 2004

drawing the line

By passing a crayon across the paper a line is created. [You have to touch the paper obviously, we’re not on Star Trek.]

The line creates a boundary, it divides the paper between either side of the line. It creates an edge; and here lies the problem: when drawing the figure there aren’t any edges, a three dimensional figure has no boundaries, as the ant forever doomed to walk the surface of a balloon will testify to [if an ant could testify that is].

So I work on the line to make it less definite. I try to achieve the broken line. An incomplete line is more interesting to the eye. Just as a solid brick wall is impassable, but a broken-down dry stone wall lets you through [though don’t go around breaking down dry stone walls in the name of artistic experiment – they take ages to build, and you could hurt yourself].

A charcoal line can be rubbed at and scratched at but you never completely lose it. Re-drawing the line again creates a history and gives life to the drawing.

Posted by john at June 9, 2004 01:06 PM

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