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June 24, 2004

Unstuck / Unsafe

We none of us like feeling unsafe. We do need to feel a bit unsafe, which is why we drive faster when wearing a seat belt. But we don’t like being in-the-dark-at-the-back-of-the-cave-with-a-pair-of-bright-unblinking-eyes-staring-at-us unsafe.

To be truly unstuck I believe I have to feel unsafe. But as there is a natural tendency to get as safe as you can [because we don’t like being in-the-dark-at-the-back-of-the-cave-with-a-pair-of-bright-unblinking-eyes-staring-at-us] then, as I make myself as safe as I can, I start to get stuck again.

So I have to struggle to make myself feel unsafe. But the more used to feeling unsafe you get the more safe it feels [because we don’t like being in-the-dark-at-the-back-of-the-cave-with-a-pair-of-bright-unblinking-eyes-staring-at-us] so you have to become even more unsafe and you end up painting halfway up the cliff face, when things can get dangerous.

Posted by john at June 24, 2004 08:50 PM

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