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September 16, 2004

the what it is

I’ve written at length, and thought for longer, on what it is I feel about how I paint.

I’ve talked about how I like brush strokes and blots and drips and gloopy paint. What I don’t like is colouring in. Drawing a shape on the panel and filling in the spaces with different colours. Sometimes it has to be done for the good of the painting, but it’s flat, mind-numbing, stuff that only adds a compositional element to the picture.

What I am interested in is the energy of the picture, the energy of the painting, the actual painting. Painting energetically. Painting with feeling, both feeling for the subject and feeling for the paint. So I enjoy both; I enjoy the form and I enjoy the act of applying the paint.

It ain’t easy, applying the paint, it takes time and effort to maintain the energy, but that is when the painting works. It is also why I can’t paint all day every day - I get exhausted.

Posted by john at September 16, 2004 11:28 AM

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