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February 27, 2005

not letting go

Maybe it’s not about letting go.

Maybe it's about hanging on.

If the universe is basically a chaotic state, then, being undoubtedly part of the universe [without going into it too deeply], we are naturally chaotic. Letting go therefore creates chaos. And is chaos creative?

Things can be created in a chaotic state – we were – though it involves a certain amount of chance. Two schools of thought on this. One says that we were inevitable and any changes in the primordial soup would always have thrown us up onto the beach. The other says that two atoms out and it could have been green slime all the way.

So I’m thinking letting go isn’t the answer. Letting go completely and leaving all to chance doesn’t give very good odds in my opinion. And letting go a bit seems to be a bit half- arsed.

I work on the idea that in the process of creating a picture there is a time to let go, and a time to hang on. The picture moves through different stages where different approaches must needs be adopted.

A picture, to my mind, needs all of the following: emotion, passion, skill, technique, thought and freedom. The first two are innate, the second two are learnt, the last two are hard won.

Posted by john at February 27, 2005 04:39 PM

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