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November 04, 2007

Son et lumiere

It’s an old trick, but a good one if you can do it. Get a fancy building and throw some coloured light at it then turn up the volume of the record player. They do it to castles and other such ruins from time to time, if you’re lucky you get fireworks, fountains and some classical music into the same bargain.

But last night, in York, it was a bit different because we provided the sounds and a computer, on hearing our noise, provided the lumiere, all over the façade of the Minster.


It was hard to determine just how the computer reacted and what sounds did what, there seemed to be little rhyme nor reason to it, but it was fun. At one point Ninon played the flute and David recited Shakespeare, but to be honest, clapping humming and making silly noises produced the same effects. The computer made no distinction between classical literature and gobbledegook.


Posted by john at November 4, 2007 06:12 PM
