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June 01, 2008

In anticipation of talking

After the drawers there are the sketch* books. I’ve got one or two, in piles, gathering dust, on shelves around the studio.


Mostly I draw in books to work out ideas, sometimes, in the more classic sense, I draw things I see around me. Here are some pages from various books at various times.

thinking of dancers in a big shed near Halifax, 1998

not sure what was going on here, 2001

in the Barrel House Cafe, Totnes, 2002

sitting thinking, by a pool, in the South of France, 2003

*I don’t like the word 'sketch', it has too many connotations of laziness and the throw away gesture. It sounds far too slap-dash. Drawing is a more positive thing altogether.

Posted by john at June 1, 2008 12:27 AM
