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October 07, 2008

The Importance of Paper

“Ha!” people said, “Ha! computers will do away with the need for paper and the trees of the world will live happy lives and produce lots of little trees.”

But this was not to be. Computers, as we know, use more paper than before. Or rather – along the lines of it ain’t guns what kill people it’s bullets – it’s the printer that uses the paper like it was going out of fashion.

I try to print as little as possible, and only when absolutely necessary. It is absolutely necessary with a script, to print it out towards the end, because no amount of scrolling can beat laying the pages out on a long table and actually looking at he shape of the piece.

Paper’s important for editing a film too, indeed the first stage is oft referred to as a Paper Edit, as opposed to the Saturn V rocket, for instance, where the first stage is referred to as the S-1C.


Using typed transcripts of the interviews, shot lists, sequence lists and half a dozen scraps where I write itinerant timecodes and notes to remind myself of changes required, I build the film.


detail of sequence shot list used to create 22 seconds of the film I'm working on.

Posted by john at October 7, 2008 07:59 PM
