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December 29, 2008


In the small town of Lohr, on the banks of the River Main [pronounced: Mine], there’s a famous old street called Muschelgasse, or as we would call it: Shell Lane – or perhaps Shellgate. It’s next to Fischergasse which leads from the river, so no prizes for guessing what the people who lived here got up to in days long gone by.


Mischelgasse is narrow, cobbled and the stuff of faerie stories, and half-way along you get a view of the Bayersturm,


which, with its tiny unclimboutable windows, is the sort of tower to feature heavily in Grimm tales of imprisoned princesses weaving straw all night long while trying to guess the recipe for gingerbread.


And no faerie tale street would be complete without a gnome being buggered by a triceratops.

Posted by john at December 29, 2008 09:03 AM


....Well,Ive done with the weaving straw,so will this help.............

125g Unsalted butter
100g Dark Muscovdo Sugar
325g Plain floor
4tbsp Golden Syrup
1tsp Bicab soda
2 tsp ground ginger

icing sugar for writing gingermens facial expressions ?? : )

Throw ingredients together to make dough,Roll dough to thickness of 5mm. Cut into shapes cook for 10 mins. Eat as soon as possible remembering to safe me one !! Or else

Posted by: paula at December 29, 2008 01:43 PM

Thank you for making me giggle - you can't beat a bit of gnome buggery to bring a smile to the face, including it seems the gnome's face.

Posted by: Ruth at December 29, 2008 06:00 PM

Is this street twinned with The Shambles in York? Could you find anywhere MORE quaint? Shall I stop asking rhetorical questions now?

Posted by: Daphne at December 29, 2008 11:09 PM

always good to have something totally new and unexpected in your day. gnome buggered by triceratops falls into that category.

Posted by: Colin at December 30, 2008 11:31 PM