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July 02, 2007

The fourth dimension

In 1858 August Ferdinand Möbius took a strip of paper, gave it a twist and stuck the two ends together, thus providing graphic artists everywhere endless [ha ha] material for experimental-music album covers.


While we’re on the subject of surfaces, those of you with a keen eye for detail will have noticed that my strap line is sometimes a stranger to the truth.

Whereas a lot of my work does indeed concern itself with the problems inherent in the notion of getting three dimensions into two, I am now also often trying to get four dimensions into three, for I have of late begun once more to fiddle with film, or at least its digital manifestation.

So the new dimension is time, that tricky stuff the good Doctor dabbles with and Einstein dealt with somewhat perfunctorily : “The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.” For film, as they say today, is a time-based medium.

They also say lens-based medium for photography, so would painting, therefore, be oil-based media, or even water-based, depending on your bent, but then that could be confused with snorkeling, couldn’t it?

Anyway, time is getting on and I must get some food-based medium for my lunch.

Posted by john at July 2, 2007 02:55 PM
