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July 04, 2007

No moving parts

Mr Hitchcock thought sound was a Bad Thing for the film industry.

Mr hitchcock.jpg

Instead of using the pictures to tell the story, suddenly you had actors who could tell you about it instead. This led us down a rocky path ending up with today's soap operas, where you don't even see the pictures you just have the actors telling us what happened.

What would he have made of the information saturation provided by this old jalopy, t'interclacker? By which I'm referring to the unfathomable amount of virtual images lying like so much grit in the gutter of the Information Superhighway.

UPDATE: rippleonline is another source of access for my, and indeed other people's, contribution to the virtual world of the moving image. All provided, with no moving parts, on a desk top near you.

Posted by john at July 4, 2007 12:32 PM
