Mr & Mrs Smith

Mr & Mrs Smith The FilmWent to the cinema last night, haven't been for ages. Work has a deal on with the local pics, whereby you can by half price tickets for any time of the week, rather than the Orange Wednesday's offer, which I've taken advantage of in the past. So, with tickets in hand, it was off to see what was on.

Mr & Mrs Smith was our choice. And it did take a bit of time to get going, wasn't really sure what the storyline and plot were trying to do. To give you an idea, it starts off with them in a marriage counselling session, then goes off to how they met. Had me wondering what all the trailers with guns etc... was on about. But in the end was a cracker, and it's definately got everything for both sexes :-D Although I will be penning a letter to the Film Board Censors about the need to be showing Mr Pitt getting his kit off ;-)

So, well recommend it, well worth going to see, and one for the collection when it hits the streets. And besides, I'm all for finding excuses to post a picture of Angelina Jolie ;-) :-P

About Alan Bell

Lapsed: electronic engineer, scout leader, project controller.
Now: Oracle Primavera training consultant, business support manager, occasional website designer.

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