Get The Train Home!

It looks like the moves to reinstate the line between Beverley and York, closed by Beeching in the 60's, is gaining momentum:

The Beverley to York Railway
Boost for Beverly to York line
Railfuture - Another reopening?
Pocklington Town Council - Minsters' Rail Campaign
East Riding of Yorkshire Press Release - Hull/Beverley to York Rail Study
Market Weighton Message Boards - Beverley - York Rail Link

What I didn't appreciate, having read the first article, is that Nige's landlord insisted on having his own personal station built in return for allowing the railway across his land. So there's the possibility of Nige having his own railway station for his country retreat, how cool is that :-D

So, that should mean a night on the town in Beverley won't break the bank getting taxi's home. And a trip to the local curry house in Market Weighton will include a few beers for all, rather than someone having to draw the short straw and be taxi for the night ;-)

About Alan Bell

Lapsed: electronic engineer, scout leader, project controller.
Now: Oracle Primavera training consultant, business support manager, occasional website designer.

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