Setting You Off

Been mentioning those subconcious triggers that have me off on an emotional rollercoaster. And strangely last night, having popped into Bottles for a few, I wasn't feeling as upset as I thought I might be. In fact, it didn't affect me at all. Instead, it was the breakfast this morning. On the in-store radio was playing some really golden oldies, well, okay, a few years old. And Karen Ramirez version of the EBTG hit I didn't know I was looking for love came on. A really nice song, have both versions in the record collection. One I bought, and the other, the single, was bought for me by Jules, June 1998, a year after we met.

A more recent memory, triggered at a wedding not so long ago, was DJ Sammy's Heaven. This was played all the time during Jules short stay at the hospice. A fav song, admittedly not the slowed down first dance version played at the receiption. But the words are the same at whatever speed you play it.

Isn't it amazing what gets buried in the memory, only for something to unearth it and remind you? I guess this is something that'll continue throughout life. But it's still surprising every time it appears.

About Alan Bell

Lapsed: electronic engineer, scout leader, project controller.
Now: Oracle Primavera training consultant, business support manager, occasional website designer.

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